Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Harry Potter Poster 2

This poster is to advertise the third Harry Potter film, the Prizoner of Azkaban. The camera shot is a medium shot of all the different characters that are involved with the film, the main character Harry being at the back. This is effective as it gives the audience distance to the main character, which allows them to see the new characters closer up. Seeing the new characters and their facial expressions makes the audience assume that they are against him, as they appear more threatening because they take over the screen. This makes the audience question as to who they are, and immediatly engages them to watch the film.
The colours used are dark black and white, except for the eyes which are bright green on the character closest to the screen. This is effective as it is eye catching and signals that this character is important to the next film. Focusing on the eyes leaves an enigma. Who is this character and how is he involved in all this? Whats his importance?
The tagline appears before the actual title, which is effective as the films name doesn't take over the screen, which would be the case for most other films being advertised. The tagline 'darkness will descend' adds tension to the film, but the character closest to the screen also goes against this tagline, as the eyes are created bright with the special effects. This could leave the question that maybe he goes against the idea of darkness, despite how he looks to the screen.
Using the title of the film at the very bottom of the screen is essential to tell new audiences what this film is, but past films were popular, making the title of the film on posters to become more unneccesary to advertisement. This allows more room for the use of characters to be introduced, but including the main character played by Daniel Radcliffe at the back helps the audience recognise the film, making him the films unique selling point.
The genre of the film is conventionalised as an action because of the use of stance portrayed by Daniel Radcliffe, which is effective as it makes him appear as if he is ready for a fight against somebody. This is supported with the use of his wand at a ready stance, the use of lighting is also added to the end to make it appear lit. This allows the audience to see him better as he is the main source of light.

Overall I think this is an effective trailer as an enigma is attatched with the use of colours on the character closest eyes, making this the main aspect of the trailer. This will also engage audiences to want to watch the
film, as it is linked to the rest of the series.

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