Monday 11 March 2013



We made the poster for our trailer using Adobe Photoshop, we print screened shots from our trailer to create the poster. We also manipulated the size of the images to show different aspects of the trailer. We used black and white throughout the poster to show the theme of our trailer, the white of the snow represents innocence that is contrasted with the black of death which makes us feel uneasy. The colours also represent a lack of emotion.

Using light contrasts, we were able to blend the images so they appear to be all part of one scene. This was effective because it shows our connection between the trailer to our poster, where we used the same effects to achieve the creepy image. we wanted the poster to show that they were characters however so the light dark had to be relatively controlled. We screen grabbed a photo of the victim and resized the image so it appeared to be that this scene was all one shot. This was effective because now the audience has a false sense o who the killer actually is, and they are eager to find out who they are, not knowing they are trying to identify the wrong person.

The titles are the same as the teaser trailer to keep the connection between them and so they are easily identifiable, this is useful so that the audience can recognise this to the trailer easily and further promote our film. The simple way in which we had made this trailer is effective because other than the title name it doesn't reveal much to us, and this further adds excitement to audiences because they want to know the answer and go see it in cinemas.
We included the date of release at the bottom of our trailer so that audiences know when to go see it, this is informative to audiences and it makes them more overtly excited to go see it in cinemas. We chose the date 13th July because July is the time when teenagers are out of school which means more of our target audience are able to go and see it, it also plays on being the unlucky number which adds the edge to the horror.
Finally, the actors names. It is not revealed who they all are in the poster but again it is informative on who they are. This is effective because they know that they will be expecting these characters in the film and it enables the audience to get a better understanding of who they will be trying to see.

In all I think this poster clearly advertises our trailer well, playing on the light and dark image that we made in our trailer. It is plain, but informative of the release date and intent, and the image shows that it is a horror.

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