Tuesday 26 March 2013

Fangoria Magazine

Fangoria magazine appeals to audiences interested in the horror genre which is what we have used for our magazine. This magazine cover is effective because it contains other captions that conform to more popular magazines such as Empire, but is only associated with horror films.
The use of title on the magazine is effective because it stands out to audiences and can be easily seen when sold in shops. The title is bold and takes up the top of the screen which is what we have done in our magazine, this conforms to typical magazine covers.

The titles included advertise other films which is what we conformed to in our magazine cover, it is to show that the films advertised are inside the magazine along with our own. This is effective because the image for this film attracts them to buy and therefore look at other films.

Fangoria is advertised in bold font and takes up the top part of the magazine. The font is used for all their magazines so it can be easily distinguished to other magazines when sold. This is effective because it enables horror fans who already know this magazine to easily recognise this film on the shelves. The title in red could symbolise the blood and gore of horror along with the points at the end of the letters 'f and a' being symbolism for sharp teeth that coincides with the image below.

The first thing that you see when you see when you look at this magazine is the teeth and blood because it is centred in the middle of the magazine and attracts the audience that it is intended for because of the blood and gore. This is effective because it is the unique selling point of this magazine and the films that are advertised.

Using Fangoria in our magazine shows that this will be the a horror genre to the audience, attracting we people that we want to go watch it in cinemas. By advertising this a month earlier  than our trailer, it leaves the audience anticipatiing our film that is to come.

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