Friday 9 November 2012

Production Schedule

By Monday 12th November:
  • Pictures of location and props uploaded on blog page
  • Possible Actors - photo's
  • Soundtrack research on blog
  • Costume research on blog
By Friday 16th November:
  • Questionaire filled in by target audience about what films they like (uploaded results on blog)
  • Film treatment uploaded on blog
  • One liner
By Wednesday 21st November:
  • Finalise cast members - seeing what dates they can do
  • start writing script
  • Plot synopsis
  • Finalised soundtrack
By Monday 26th November:
  • Analysed horror trailer opening titles
  • Practice titles
  • Look into how we want our poster/magazine to look for example the poster layout
  • Finalised costumes with photo's
By Monday 3rd December:
  • Final script completed
  • Final design for poster/magazine - picture of all designs and then the final one
  • Any costumes that need to be brought and extra items
By Friday 7th December:
  • Script handed out to cast members
  • Description of costumes handed to cast members
  • Sort out how the filming day will go example: when do cast members need to arrive on that day etc.
  • create a schedule for the filming day included times, what scenes actors are needed etc
between 2nd - 6th JANUARY

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