Wednesday 21 November 2012

Actors Finalised - Female Characters

Main Charater: Rosie



Bekky studies drama at college which makes her the perfect candidate for the character that gets killed. She is a big horror film fan and is interested in being an actress when she is older, which is why we have included her as the main character.

Donny: Shelly



Shelly doesn't do drama, however she is interested in horror films and has the same personality of being shy like the character. She is also accessible during the times we are going to film. She is good at hair and make-up, and is willing to help with the preperation.

 Extra Character: Jasmine


Being one of the directors of the trailer, Jasmine had to be someone who didn't have as much of a part in the trailer, but gives it a more realistic feel that it is a party. Jasmine is a good choice however to have in the trailer because she studies drama for A Level, therefore understands how to act in situations where you are not the main character in scenes.

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