The Amazing Spider Man uses different ways to advertise the film before it is released in cinemas, the two ways that are typically used are trailers before it is released, posters, but this film is also advertised in Empire Magazine, which advertises big films such as The Dark Night Rises, which further boost sales. There are effects that are used to advertise the film in the different ways which attracts the audience, and they all have similaritites and differences between them.
For these different advertisements, the way that they are different from each other is by the way that they each look into different audiences that this will attract. For Empire magazine, it could be displayed to look as if they are trying to attract the younger teenage audience because this shows the picture of actor Andrew Garfields face. Teenage boys would place themselves as the heroic figure on this magazine covered in scars like used as mise-en-scene on his make-up, it makes him appear more effective and it adds more influence to the costume that he wears, the signiture of Spiderman. Teenage girls would be attracted to this film because of the use of actor Andrew Garfield that has been used to attract them to the more emotional side of Spiderman as well as heroic.
The trailer is effective as it shows Andrew Garfield as himself as well as showing glimpes of Spider Man in different situations. It attracts the audience and will increase sales of the film as they will want to go see why he is involved in these seperate situations.

The poster is effective seperatly from the trailer and the magazine as it shows Spiderman in full on the page. The use of mise-en-scene is effective as Spidermans costume is instantly noticable and it will attract Spiderman audiences to the new remake. Editing has been used to make the poster stand out and be more effective to the audience when seen, changing the lighting creates the mood of danger in the background with the dark sky, but it is effective in making Spiderman appear as if he is coming out of the poster in the pose that he is known for. The titles have been put underneath in the font that has been used for the past films, this gives continuity. It is effective in attracting action audiences because it contrasts against the bold background of the character.
I decided to briefly analyse these as it gives me an understanding of how the same film can be advertised differently, and how it keeps the audience interested for when the film is released in cinemas. I will refer to this for when I create my poster and magazine cover, because I now know that they can have a variation to their advertisements.
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