Monday 25 February 2013

Magazine Cover Analysis - Sweeney Todd

The image of the main character placed in the middle of this magazine of Sweeney Todd immediatly captures our attention to the magazine, because of the use of colour and angry emotion present in the characters face. It attracts us to the magazine because it makes us question what it is about the character that gives off this emotion, the use of make-up further accentuates this in the eyes. The unique selling point with Johnny Depp as the character adds sales to the magazine because fans of this actor will be interested to buy this.
The text is written around the character to outline the importance of the image, whilst the bold text accentuates the deep emotion in the characters eyes. For example, if the text was written in an italic font it wouldnt be as atmospheric as the bold blunt text. This shows that the cliche of horror films is met.
The unique selling point of this image is the actor johnny depp, which is written in large font underneath the image. The composition of this is effective because it attracts the viewers eye first instead of the titles above, this is achieved by the image which is always glanced at first instead of the titles. The image already tells us that the film advertised is Sweeney Todd because of the costume and Make-up.
Viewers who are fans of Sweeney Todd or Johnny Depps work will be interested to buy the magazine because it guarantees that an interview or more images will be included.

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