Thursday 6 December 2012

Other Props Needed - Choice of knife.

A knife is the weapon that we chose to use for our killer because it appears most threatening and is a cliched horror weapon. The fake blood research that we have already looked into canbe smeared onto the knife to create the illusion that he has already killed. We got the idea from Michael Myers, a horror character that is similar to how we are making our killer and uses the same weapon in a threatening way.

There are different types of knives that we could use:

This knife has a more decorative handle than normal knives. This would only be effective if the knife was prominantly shown in our trailer which it will be, but it also seems more old fashioned. Being old fashioned wouldn't work because out trailer is meant to insinuate the modern day killer, and the use of this mise-en-scene doesn't show this continuity.
This knife seems more modern day which would be more effective for our trailer. It has a pattern on the handle that doesn't appear to be from an older generation. This could be once of the considerations for our killer.
The butterfly knife is effective because there could be some clever effects when it comes to the strobing that we were considering to use for our trailer, instead of slicing down it could be the killer opening the knife out. This is another consideration for our killer, as it also appears more modern day, and it changes our killer from Michael Myers.

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